Burning the Flag ― where is the language?

United States versus Eichman, United States versus Haggerty, Texas versus Johnson: all cases argued freedom of speech under the First Amendment. The Amendment says, Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.

■→United States versus Eichman
■→Unites States versus Haggerty
■→Texas versus Johnson

The Supreme Court holding on Eichman says:
The government’s interest in preserving the flag as a symbol did not outweigh the individual right to disparage that symbol through expressive conduct.

Law and life make a depth of recondite detail the Supreme Court has the expertise firmly to deliberate. The linguist I am — and a person opposed to burning the Flag — I analyze the wording and reckon. The Supreme Court recognized the Flag as a symbol. What does a national flag symbolize? The country, the people, the language.

A national flag does not correlate with authorities only, and even if you do not like anybody around, would rather live in a tent, make own clothes, and hunt for food ― all that to liberate yourself of American capitalism ― there is still cause and effect.

There never could be the Constitution ― what follows, the Amendments ― without the people who fought for American freedom, also in ■→Fort McHenry. The Flag symbolizes them too, and the ■→Anthem continues the memory.

■→Wikimedia Commons, Fort McHenry, Public Domain.

Further, can we have an act of burning for a speech act?
■→Wikipedia, Speech act

Is there a ■→speech sound produced, if people sit silently by a campfire, warming hands? Might there be spoken, written, or printed language for flames alone to bring? Could the crackling and hissing make ■→stanzas, ■→quatrains, ■→epodes? Could we hear an ■→anacrusis?

A national flag symbolizes also language. Within, as well as outside the USA, American English is the closest association. You wouldn’t say that Spanish comes from the USA. The symbol is yet not the language itself.


Notes for Emily Dickinson’s poetry

Fascicles and print, the poetic correlative with Webster 1828, Latin and Greek inspiration, an Aristotelian motif, Things perpetual — these are not in time, but in eternity. ■More

Life | Love | Nature | Time and Eternity

The First Amendment does not say, *Congress shall make no law abridging expressive conduct, and that quite fortunately: human expressive behaviors are a very wide spectrum, part of which may belong under legal limitations, being no language at all.

At the same time, I do not hold on to the term of “flag desecration”. The word desecration suggests abuse on sanctity. Flags are for people, and I hope the matter may become allowed in the people’s hands: a general vote could bring the resolve.

■→This text is also available in Polish.

The world may never have seen her original handwriting, if her skill was taken for supernatural. Feel welcome to Poems by Emily Dickinson prepared for print by Teresa Pelka: thematic stanzas, notes on the Greek and Latin inspiration, the correlative with Webster 1828, and the Aristotelian motif, Things perpetual — these are not in time, but in eternity.
■PDF Free Access, Internet Archive